MoreThanJobs Inc. (hereinafter "MoreThanJobs") offers the MoreThanJobs Website (“Website”) for free, reserving some specific services to paid subscription or timely payment services. Access to and use of the MoreThanJobs website is completely
voluntary and it attributes to whom utilize them the condition of User.
All Users accept, from the moment in which they access the Website, without any reservation, the content of these "Terms of Use", the "Privacy Policy" and, where appropriate, the "Special Conditions" which may complement, replace or modify them in
any way in connection with the services and content of the Website (collectively, the "Legal Conditions”).
Consequently, the User must read all previous documents before accessing and using any service offered by this website at his own risk. As a precondition to full access of this Website, User is required to read and accept this Terms of Use. Upon
acceptance, User is deemed to have read the terms contained herein.
User can access, print, download and save the Legal Conditions and other legal texts at all times. The Legal Conditions will be permanently accessible on the website through the link MoreThanJobs Legal Conditions.
MoreThanJobs reserves the right to modify without notice Legal Conditions so that recommends the user to read them each time you access and use the MoreThanJobs Portal.
MoreThanJobs also reserves the right to modify without notice the design, layout and/or configuration of this Website, and any or all services, and add new services.
In any case, MoreThanJobs reserves the right to deny access to this site at any time without prior notice to any user who violates any of the legal conditions necessarily accompanying the use of this website.
This Website aims to efficiently bring together individuals seeking employment (“Jobseekers”) and employers or recruiters aiming to recruit employee candidates for job vacancies (“Employers”). A Jobseeker introducing a Resume in this Website’s online
database significantly increases visibility to hiring Employers, while, an Employer sourcing employee candidates through this Website markedly increases reach yet at the same time efficiently filters potential candidates. This Website is a
well-managed directory of categorized job vacancies freely available for use to either Jobseeker or Employer who registers with MoreThanJobs, subject to conditions under this Terms of Use.
MoreThanJobs limits access to uploaded Resumes only to registered employers, however, MoreThanJobs cannot fully guarantee, third parties may not access these Resumes. MoreThanJobs, as part of preconditions for Employers, forbid access to the service
to any company that makes use of this data for purposes other than direct employment.
MoreThanJobs can delete from the Website without notice any content which contravenes this Terms of Use, fair use, and morality.
The Website is envisioned and endeavored to be easily and constantly accessible at all times for Users, yet there may be brief downtimes or lag in performance due to technical maintenance, coding errors, upgrades, introduction of new services and
content, as well as other future potential issues arising out of events over which MoreThanJobs cannot influence (e.g. anomalies in public communication networks, power outages, etc.). This temporary unavailability episodes notwithstanding,
MoreThanJobs assures Users all information uploaded into the website remains confidential and access thereto limited to registered users.
This Terms of Use regulates access to and use of the MoreThanJobs Website. MoreThanJobs reserves the right to amend, update, or modify any of the provisions of this Terms of Use in order to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, or as
MoreThanJobs deems best to better serve and protect Users. Users will be notified via email or through an announcement in the Website itself. If any User finds the amended Terms of Use no longer amenable, said User may unsubscribe or deregister from
the Website without penalty, subject to agreements in premium registration.
By accessing or using this Website, a User – whether an Employer or a Jobseeker - agrees to a limited, terminable, non-exclusive right to accept and be bound by this Terms of Use. Further, User agrees to make diligent use of the Website and its
services exclusively for the purposes stated above, in full compliance with law, personal and social integrity, and this Terms of Use keeping at all times due respect to other users.
No reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation or modification, by any means and in any form, of the contents and elements of the Website (e.g., texts, designs, graphics, information, databases, sound files and/or images, logos, etc.)
without prior authorization from MoreThanJobs is allowed.
User is prohibited from performing the following actions:
Access to the Website requires prior subscription or registration by the User, specifically creation and thereafter prior input of user ID or login name and corresponding password. Registration will be free of charge, except in cases of subscription
to premium services offered by the Website.
User is expected to keep password private and confidential to prevent fraud and illegal access. User must take necessary measures to keep the password’s confidentiality. User is cautioned not to disclose or share the user ID and password with a third
party. User is solely responsible for any irresponsible, illegal, harmful, or any use in contravention of this Terms of Use through his user ID and password, with full indemnity and hold harmless MorethanJobs, and its affiliates, and their respective
officers, directors, employees, and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from:
In the event of knowledge or suspicion of unauthorized use of password by third parties, User must inform MoreThanJobs immediately.
If MoreThanJobs has reason to believe that there is breach of security or misuse of the website using one user’s ID and password, MoreThanJobs may require said user to change the password, or suspend the account altogether.
All information provided by User to MoreThanJobs must be truthful and accurate at all times. For these purposes, User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated to the Website and his legal authority to provide it.
User shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made, uploaded and published in the Website and any damage caused thereby to other websites or third parties.
User acknowledges and agrees that use of the Website’s services is under his or its sole responsibility. Users are liable for damages of any nature that MoreThanJobs or third parties may suffer as a result of an intentional breach of or any resulting
breach arising out of negligence of User of any of the obligations under this Terms of Use or under pertinent laws regarding the use of the service.
User warrants and declares himself the lawful holder of intellectual property rights of any published information or content for its reproduction, distribution, and public communication by any means, principally by Internet and e-mail, worldwide and
for unlimited time. Otherwise, User is solely responsible for obtaining any prior authorization, permit or license for the publication and dissemination of any content.
MoreThanJobs reserves the right to withdraw from the Website content considered unsuitable to the characteristics and purposes of the Website. Furthermore, MoreThanJobs reserves the right to filter, censor and discriminate against, or withdraw from
the Website any content that may deteriorate the quality of service and the overall brand of MoreThanJobs.
Access to the Website’s services requires prior registration as User, specifically as Employer, subject to the following terms:
MoreThanJobs will constantly validate compliance with the above terms and conditions based on its best judgment either on its own accord or by demand of third persons or institutions. Consequently, MoreThanJobs reserves the right to refuse or cancel
the registration of any Employer found in violation of the abovementioned terms. Cancellation of an Employer’s account will mean destruction beyond recovery of all content associated to it.
Employer may terminate its relationship with MoreThanJobs at any time by simply deleting the Job ad and user account, or contact MoreThanJobs via the contact form.
MoreThanJobs reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time with or without notice.
Any Employer posting or publishing Job ads shall comply with the following terms and conditions:
All ads must correspond to a true and real position and cannot duplicate currently or previously published vacancy.
Publication of a Job ad is prohibited in any of the following cases:
Forbidden content includes but is not limited to: that which promotes or enhances the creation, maintenance and promotion of businesses related to pornography, obscene material or management of erotic contacts; that which is associated with
clairvoyance, tarot, "occult" or any other related content; and generally any content deemed unsuitable for MoreThanJobs Users.
The published Job ad shall not be used for:
Any user who inserts content that violates the law in force shall assume sole responsibility for the damages and consequences thereof, exempting MoreThanJobs from all liability.
MoreThanJobs includes within its functions access to paid services, either through timely payment or by subscription, enabling an improved use of the site. Access to these services by Employers is voluntary. Prices and rates applied to each product or subscription correspond to those published in the portal at the time of hiring them, and do not in any case include the costs derived from the method of payment chosen by the user, or applicable taxes that may apply before the actual payment. MoreThanJobs will issue an invoice upon payment of a product.
Access to and use of the Website by Jobseekers require prior registration as users. Jobseekers registering with the Website can gain access to the following services free of charge:
By registering with the Website, the Jobseeker expressly authorizes MoreThanJobs to disclose the information and data provided in the registration form to Employers and recommend to available job ads, always respecting the privacy level determined by the Jobseeker. Registration on this Web Site is restricted to those over 16 years old. Registering users under 16 is not allowed even with the consent of parents or guardians for the processing of their personal data.
A Jobseeker may opt for Job Alerts to be sent to directly the e-mail address of the Jobseeker, free of charge. Jobseeker has the option to modify or delete this job alert service quickly, easily and free of charge, either by logging into their personal account and disabling the option to send alerts, or by following the instructions in the email received.
Jobseeker expressly consents that any content or information introduced by him may be found and accessed by Internet search engines. Jobseekers guarantee the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal information and pledge to keep
it updated.
MoreThanJobs warrants to treat personal data with utmost care following its Data Protection Policy, as well as in compliance with Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012).
MoreThanJobs endeavors to exert all effort in keeping content and information uploaded to the Website secure at all times. These security protocols notwithstanding, MoreThanJobs is well aware that security measures regarding privacy and security on the Internet are not foolproof. MoreThanJobs does not guarantee that third parties, authorized or not, may not be aware of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use that Users make within the Website, or that they may access, intercept, delete, alter, modify or manipulate messages, communications or content of any kind that Users disseminate or make available to third parties through Website’s features.
Except where expressly described in the Legal Conditions and the rest of the regulatory framework of the Website, MoreThanJobs is not liable for any damages of any kind arising from the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, errors or
omissions that may be displayed by the information and services contained in this Website or other content which may be accessed through it, and assumes no duty or obligation to verify or monitor the content and information.
MoreThanJobs does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the operation of the Website, and therefore excludes to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may result from the lack of
availability or continuity of the Web Site and the services enabled therein, as well as errors in access to different web pages or those from which, if any, such services are rendered.
MoreThanJobs excludes all liability for damages of any kind that may result from the services provided by third parties through this Website and the media that enable them to manage service requests, and specifically but not limited to: for acts of
unfair competition and illegal advertising as a result of the provision of services by third parties through the Website, as well as the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, defects, problems, relevance and/or timeliness of the content
transmitted, stored, received, obtained or made available or accessible through the services provided by third parties through this Web Portal.
All rights to the Website are owned by MoreThanJobs, Inc.
MoreThanJobs does not grant any license or authorization to use for whatever purpose its intellectual property or any other property or right related to the features of this Website, unless such license or authorization is specifically obtained in
writing and consequently allowed in writing. Users can send suggestions or proposals for improving the functionality or content available on the Website by contacting Customer Care Service.
A User may withdraw from the Website any time by simply deactivating registration. Once finalized, User will stop receiving messages and alerts from MoreThanJobs. However, MoreThanJobs cannot guarantee that other users who already obtained a user’s e-mail address or contact information through their contact in the Site will not attempt to contact them in the future.
The present legal conditions and other conditions of the Website shall be governed by Philippine law.
For any questions which may arise or actions arising from the provision of services and content on MoreThanJobs and the interpretation, application, fulfillment or breach of what is established in this Terms of Use and other pertinent documents,
MoreThanJobs and the User submit, unless the law says otherwise, to the jurisdiction of the Philippine Courts and tribunals.