The Linton Inc is into steel manufacturing, facbrication and trading. Up to this present, Linton remains one of the biggest players in the Philippines and is consistently ranked within the Top 1000 Corporations of the Philippines. The tremendous success of Linton Inc gave birth to numerous companies and organizations like Nobleland Ventures Inc (real estate and development company), KTL Development Corporation (developer), LT Steel Corp (steel fabrication), Elanes (Entertainment and Gaming Center), EZY Appliance (electronics and gadgets), and Blenz Coffee (coffee shop). These business organizations  are just a few companies under Linton Group and started making their names in their respective industry.
The continued success of Linton Inc and its subsidiaries has resulted to operational expansion which urged hiring of more talented and dynamic individuals. Now, as we open our doors to all graduates as well as graduating students from  top caliber Colleges and Universities like yours, we are not ONLY living our dreams of becoming the 'Industry Leader',moreover, it is our way of sharing the same oppurtunities with the youth of today as well as the rest oif the Filipinos to also fulfill their dreams.